Legends meetup

It's great pleasure to meet Legends of the Industry & 1959- 63 (first) batch of Engineering graduates from Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Tirupati in B'lore on 22nd Jan '24 , over lunch and chit-chat with them & taken golden tips from them....they are: Kattamanchi Karunakar Reddy R V Ramachanran, Worked in Tata Engineering Consulting Sam Venkatesam, Worked in Airforce, Motorola NandaGopal Mekala Sivarami Reddy, Worked in AP's Electricity board Key points: Classmates meeting with families & chit-chat...rewind old memories Strategy to up-lift their College with Industry connect, incl. research. Co-develop Solutions with R&D industry to bring more visibility to the college Building infrastructure in their college by collecting from their mates & their juniors. Few memories.. Book written & given by Sam garu They also planning cloud-fund the Building in their college now.. Met Sam garu on 26th Jan '24 at his home, w...