Number Theory of Life
Life's number theory:
As a person, we spend ~16 - 20 years on education & skilling to run the life smoothly. Once the person get's spouse, it's time to entertain them in life with values. In this regard, every one should think long term & follow best practices applicable to that couple, few are given below. These acts keep the strong bonding b/w the couple and nice to have better romantic life :)
Every Day Matters: Make use of it
To make the relationship strong, follow:
Article on 12 Jan 2016 (summarised here)
How to find whether a person "Having an affair " ?
What are the indications to find if partner is having an affair ?
Some of the common indications to monitor ...... but varies for some people !! :)
Girl to focus on Guy ?
There are many reasons for the couples to separate or stay individually or divorce. Some of the main reasons are listed below. Lot more for specific cases can be discussed but below are common ones.
Reasons for Break-up:
As a person, we spend ~16 - 20 years on education & skilling to run the life smoothly. Once the person get's spouse, it's time to entertain them in life with values. In this regard, every one should think long term & follow best practices applicable to that couple, few are given below. These acts keep the strong bonding b/w the couple and nice to have better romantic life :)
Every Day Matters: Make use of it
Ensure that every day you plan to spend (dedicated) time with spouse in fixed timings. For example, spending with spouse with Coffee on sun-rise time and Tea with Sun-set time !! So, think about it & apply the one which you likes. Few other are:
- Dinner with spouse with special's like candle light, flower decorated, on Single plate, on single Banana leaf
- Having Break-fast + Coffee with spouse without TV/Laptop/SmartPhone i.e. dedicated time !!
- Having Morning / Evening walk with spouse every day !!
To make the relationship strong, follow:
- Build / improve mutual trust & respect
- Don't take small things serious !! Understand partner
- Think long term advantages, than small clashes or issues
- Think future of children, if !!
- Avoid stressful activities or treat them as a issue than 'life problem'
- Discuss with partner, if there are any issues. ( All are little problems as there is NO Big Problems)
- Spend (Quality) time with partner
- Share love & take responsibility, without any expectation !!
Other blog's related to Romance:
- Right Age to Get Marriage: Get to know the right age & right way to get Marry :)
- Advantages of Romance: Nice to know the advantages of romance & Reasons for Break-up !!
- Hour Theory: Mathematically how much time you spend in romance & how does it matter !?
- Stroke Theory: Mathematically how to measure .... !?
- Types of Men & Women: Worth to know the types of Men & Women for many reasons :)
- Kalaposhakulu: All about ....
*** End of the Topic ***
** Kerala: 5 Divorcee's in every Hour
How to find whether a person "Having an affair " ?
What are the indications to find if partner is having an affair ?
Some of the common indications to monitor ...... but varies for some people !! :)
Girl to focus on Guy ?
- Does he give/bring lot of gifts frequently ?
- Does he go out of station frequently without plan ?
- Does he say 'busy with meetings' always, when you call ?
- Does he spend time alone (with Cell / TV / TP) in house ?
- Does he demand privacy in house ?
- Comes late frequently ? Does she give lot of justification because of late ?
- Does she go out of house frequently without real need ?
- Does she blame house environment frequently ?
- Does she spend time alone (with Cell / TV ) in the home or spend time alone in house ?
- Does she demand privacy in house ?
- Only-lust affairs: This is the most common among all types of affair. The two are in it only for sex as it makes them feel sexually liberated in a shush affair.
- Emotional affairs: We all have read debates about emotional affairs being equally sinful as sexual infidelity. It is sometimes even called the affair of the heart.
- Resentment/Revenge affairs: Such affairs happen often because of resentment towards the current partner. This affair materialises because the partner wants to get even with his/her spouse.
- Imaginary affairs: Human are capable of creating illusions they desire. This perfectly describes imaginary affairs.
- Body and soul affairs: This affair is the most fatal of all. It is almost like a real relationship. The two have sex, have emotional dependence and feel complete in each other's company.
Break-up Reasons
Break-up reasons and Types of Affairs
There are many reasons for the couples to separate or stay individually or divorce. Some of the main reasons are listed below. Lot more for specific cases can be discussed but below are common ones.
Reasons for Break-up:
- Financial freedom: Two incomes should bring more stability, but the same create huge gap b/w couples.
- Stressful activities: Continuous stressful work or tasks also creates lot of issues between family members
- Extra marital connections: Due to financial stability & technology, lot of scope to get attracted to others !!
- Support from Parents: Parents thinking is very limited & focus only from their kids end than entire issue !! Also, they should educate the kids to treat both side families as part of their extended family.
- Small family = Only couple: Due to jobs & other reasons, couples are spending alone without sr. family members & unable to find solutions for day-to-day petty issues.
- Refer India's divorcee imbalance to find state wise ratio !!