BKP 87 re-union

BKP 87 Batch re-union - 23rd Sept 2018

"School get-togethers take on a whole new meaning as you get older" 
"Now it's been three full decades since I met, or seen, 95% of those classmates with whom I spent seven hours a day, six days a week in 1986-87, of my life" - Mekala Reddy

What have I done with the passed 31 years ? Who am I now ? 
And have I turned into what they, and I, expected me to be ? 
How do I, the 46-year-old me, compare with my 16-year-old self: thinking, fun & talk !? 
Am thinking about what surprises might lay out there - on 23rd Sept '18 ? I have absolutely no idea what to expect, but....
  • the event day closes, the heart beat increases...
  • the time I am spend with my mates is more joyful, fun full & secured feeling
  • when the time reaches to say 'See You / Bye', these words become most painful !!
  • And those 6 hours memories are: stories of my life & will remain till my last breath 
My observation in our last re-union (05 July 2015):
  • Some Greets everyone with a genuine welcome, and really seems to delight in rekindling old friendships.
  • Some are Shy & wait everyone come and wish
  • Some takes "Wife Role", guiding people, saying what to do & how to do .... :)
  • My Bharosa blog   , Mohan's blog - Bharosa 87
Get together draft plan:
  • Dates : 23 Sept ‘18 
  • Location: ZP High School, Bhakarapet
  • Logistics: < as explained above by Murali !!
  • Publicise to team : Done by mates - Mohan Di, Sree
  • Agenda of the meet: 
    • Organising committe's:
      • Food: Murali
      • Communication: Mohan Di, Sreenadh, Red
      • Finance: Murali, Sreenadh
      • Other: Everyone 
  • Estimation cost: Rs. 20,000/- 
Find the Gathering snaps & other details at - my re-union blog


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