Life's number theory

As a person, we spend ~16 - 20 years on education & skilling to run the life smoothly. Once the person get's spouse, it's time to entertain them in life with values. In this regard, every one should think long term & follow best practices applicable to that couple, few are given below. These acts keep the strong bonding b/w the couple and nice to have better romantic life :)
  • Every Day Matters: Make use of it
  • Hour theory: read here.     // Measure your quality time in Life !!
  • Stroke theory: read here.   // Measure your hardworking time in Life :) 
Every Day Matters: Make use of it
Ensure that every day you plan to spend (dedicated) time with spouse in fixed timings. For example, spending dedicated time with spouse over Coffee on sun-rise time and Tea @ Sun-set time !! So, think about it & apply the one which you likes. Few other are:
  • Dinner with spouse with special's like candle light, flower decorated, on Single plate, on single Banana leaf
  • Having Break-fast + Coffee with spouse without TV/Laptop/SmartPhone i.e. dedicated time !!
  • Having Morning / Evening walk with spouse every day !!


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