Is it right way to do Business ??

In reality, these three Indian entrepreneurs - Lalit Modi, Vijay Mallya & Nirav Modi taken India to Global, created thousands of Jobs, Leading entrepreneurs in one or few area's of their Businesses. But the question is: Is it right way / place to do Business !!?? why they defaulted to Banks & run away from country !? I strongly believe Political & Govt policies drove them out of India. Media & common people are looking one side of the coin. Let’s review one by one: Nirav Modi : established in 2010 , first Indian jeweler ( Firestar Diamonds )to have been featured on the covers of Christie’s and Sotheby’s Catalogues. He employed ~2000 people and dream of creating "World class Jeweler" Globally. In 2013, Mr. Nirav Modi featured on the Forbes list of Indian billionaires with net worth at $1.7 B in 2017. Gitanjali Gems of Choski net worth $ 2B owning 50% of Indian jewelry business in India. Stores across Globe: New D...