Water measurement

Normally we hear TMC water available in summer and reached reservoirs in monsoon time. Nice to understand the flowing / stored water measurements.... One Cubic feet = 28.3 litres ; One M^3 = 1000 litres Cusec = One Feet ^ 3 / Sec i.e. Cusec = Cub ic feet per Sec ond Cumec = M ^ 3 / Sec (or) 1000 liters / Sec 100 Cusec water flows for 24 hours means 100 Ft^2/Sec = 100 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 86,40,000 Ft^3 In other way: 11574 Cusec of Water flow for a day equal to One TMC TMC = Thousand Million Cubic Feet i.e. 1000, 00, 000 Cubic ft One TMC = 28,316,846,597 litres = 28 billion litres = 22956 Acre ft and One Cubic Km = 35.32 TMC ft Oct 2020: All projects on both Krishna & Godavari rivers over flowed multiple times, ~4000 TMC released to Sea !! 15th Aug '19: 8-10 L Cusecs of inflow to Srisailam (213 TMC) & Nagarjuna Sagar (312 TMC) are full without rain in local catchment. :) 16th Aug '18: 8.8 L Cusec of water released to sea in Godavari r...