National Congress-Mar2013

National Congress on “Disability, Barrier  – Free Campus and Higher Education in  India  from  25th to 26th  March  2013  at  at Seminar Hall / Emeneau House, Dravidian  University, Kuppam - 517 426, AP

The basic objective of the National Congress is examining critically the major issues involved in access auditing for creation of barrier– free environment in the campuses of universities/ higher education institutions for the persons with Disabilities. The following themes/ sub - themes are identified for extensive and brainstorming discussion at the proposed National Congress: (i) Disability and Universal Design; (ii) Determinants of Accessibility and Disabled- Friendly Environment;  (iii) Barrier Free Campus: Global Norms and Standards; (iv) Principles of Equality and Reasonable Accommodation;  (v) Access to Higher Education: Dynamics and Obstacles; (vi) Growing Digital Divide and Inaccessibility; (vii) Policy Making and Implementation of Universal Design (with focus on barrier- free aspects); (viii) Role of Media, NGOs and Civil Society; and (ix) Disability Studies and Independent Living Movement as an instrument of Social Change.

Key people in the conference:
  • Prof. G. Lokanatha Reddy (GL Reddy), President of National Congress and Head of Dept. of Education, Kuppam University
  • Prof. K.Rathnaiah, Vice-Chancellor, Dravidian University
  • Prof . P.AdiNarayana Reddy, Registrar, Dravidian University
  • Dr. G. N. Karna, President, SDRS, New Delhi
  • Prof. M.S. TalawarHead & Dean, Faculty of Education Bangalore University, Bangalore
  • Dr. S. RajaguruAssociate Professor in Education, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education, Coimbatore
  • Prof. D. Srinivas Kumar, Dean, School of Education & HRD 
  • Prof. V. Rajeshwari, Head, Dept. of Education, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal
  • Dept. of Education faculty: Dr. Yasoda, Dr. S. Vijaya Vardhini, Smt. V. M Jyothi and Smt. V. Saraswathi

Contents of Conference
Title of the Paper and Contributors
Higher Education for Persons with Disabilities in India: Problems and Prospects
Prof. G. Lokanadha Reddy & Dr. R. Vijaya Anuradha

Disable Friendly Environment in Higher Education
Dr. Umadevi.M.R. & Dr. Kantharaj H.M.

Universal Design - Elixir for Barrier-Free Learning Environment in Higher Education
Dr. Shyamala Muthusubramanian

Accessibility of Higher Education for the Disable
Dr. T.G. Amuthavalli & Dr. S. Vijayavardhini

The Role of Society in Disability Studies and Independent Living
Dr. P. Sudha

Women with Special Needs: Accessibility to Higher Education
Dr. D. Uma Devi

Universal Design and Assistive Technologies for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education
Dr. R. Vijaya Anuradha & Prof. G. Lokanadha Reddy

Providing Barrier Free Environment to the Disabled Students
Dr. R. Ramar & R.T. Sivaram

Higher Education Dynamics and Obstacles in India
M. Rama Krishna Reddy

Access to Higher Education for Disabled Students in India
Ms. Poonum Jahaly

Engaging All: Role of IT Industry
Mekala Venkataramana Reddy

People with Disabilities in Higher Education: Employability and Certain Issues
Dr. R. Vijaya Anuradha

Barrier- Free Higher Education for Differently Abled
Prof. P. Adinarayana Reddy & Dr. D. Uma Devi

Hearing Impaired in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges
B. Anupama Devi & Prof. V. Dayakara Reddy

Social Skills of Sensory Challenged and Non-Disabled Children Attending Inclusive Education
Asha, S.C. & Dr. VenkatLakshmi, H.


The Influence of Physiotherapy and Climate on Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. T. Karthikeyan, Dr. G. Lokanadha Reddy, & Dr. S. Moorthy

The Quality of Higher Education and its Access for the Disabled
K. Koteswara Rao

Disability and Rehabilitation Services in India: Issues and Challenges
Dr. Kotreshwaraswamy. A. Surapuramath & H.M.Mahesh

Understanding the Persons with Disabled Rights According to United Nations Conventions
B. Krishnaiah

The Role of Media in Teaching-learning Process
N.R. Prakash, R. Gokul Raj & Dr. S. Nirmala Devi

Disability Studies and Independent Living Movement as an Instrument of Social Change
V.R. Rajesh, C. Prince Samuel & A.S. Jagadeeswari

Voices for Barrier Free Environment for Students with Disabilities in India
Dr. S.S. Jeybalakrishnan, Dr. R. Ramar & Dr. R. Thalamalai

Disability and Universal Design
Mrs. Ghousia Ruhee & K. Udaysri

Information Services for Visually Impaired in ICT Environment
Dr. Avineni Kishore & Mrs. M. Padmaja

Access to Higher Education for the Disabled
P. Jhansi Rani & Prof. D. Srinivas Kumar


Disability and Universal Design

Dr. D. Rita Suguna Sundari

Disability and Universal Design
Dr. A. Parimala Gantham

Education of Visually Impaired Children with Additional Disabilities
Dr. S. Vijayavardhini & Repalli Ramudu


Disability in the Context of Higher Education: Issues and Concerns in India
M. Shylaja & N. Prabhakar


Improving Health and Wellness of People with Disabilities

Dr. Kotreshwaraswamy. A. Surapuramath & Nandeesh. C.

Concept of Inclusion & Pre-Requisites for Inclusive Educational Practices
Dr. P. Renuka, Ms.V. Jagadeeswari & Ms. G. Maruthi Kumari

Role of Media in the Removal of Barriers for Disabled
V. Harihara Prasad & Prof. D. Srinivas Kumar

Speech and Language Disabilities
Dr. A. Boologa Rambai

Issues of Disabled People
G.P. Bahubali

An Exploratory Study on Barrier Free Built Environment for Disabled Persons
Are Srinivasa Reddy

Problems and Prospects of Higher Education in India
V. Harihara Prasad & Dr. M. Ramesh

Children with Learning Disabilities
Dr. S. Vijayavardhini & Repalli Ramudu

Barrier Free Environment to the Disabled – SSA Guidelines
Ms. P. Kumari & Dr. R. Yasoda
Disabled and Universal Design in Higher Education in India
Sudarshan. M. & Ningamma, C. Betsur

Provision of Barrier Free Environment in Higher Education -   A Mandatory
Prof. V. Rajeswari

Bridging the Digital Divide for Students with Learning Difficulties
Dr. S. Rajaguru

Digital Divide” in the Access and Use of ICT by People with Disabilities
V. Mercy Jyothi

Barrier Free Campus: Global Norms and Standards
Prof. D. Balaramulu & V. Saraswathi

Impact of Technology in Creating a Barrier-Free Environment
Prof. S. Penchalaiah & S. Hemalatha

Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Higher Education
G. Balaji

Education of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in India
Sreenivasa Dasu, P.

Observations during conference:
  • Designing Models for PwDs
  • Teaching techniques & PwD friendly environment
  • Create awareness on PwDs rights and programs to all in society and mainly PwDs through local media (News papers, TV) and 
  • ~10% of Indian ( > 1 Billion in Global) Populations is part of 'people with special needs': Hard to believe but it's true.
  • Only NGOs & few Govt. organizations working on PwDs education, empowerment & healthcare
  • Surprise to see that < 1% of Indian Universities have accessible to PwDs. 
  • Providing higher education to PwDs require strong policies, funds & technology.
  • Need strong collaboration between NGOs, Govt. Departments, Academia, Industry, Healthcare and Research

About Dravidian University: Established the Dravidian University in 1997 at the tri- lingual junction, Kuppam in Chittoor District, A. P., 8 k.m away from TamilNadu, 4 km, away from Karnataka and hardly about four hours drive to Kerala, basically to promote a spirit of integration and strong bonds of fraternity among the ma jor Dravidian language speakers of the Southern states and to advance studies and research inthe integrated body of Dravidian lmguico - cultural heritage.

The Dravidian University was established through a Legislature Act of Andhra Pradesh and conceived as an Inter - State Institution. The neighboring Governments of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala have extended initial support which enabled the University to take up constructions of Vemana Bhavan, Thiruvalluvar Bhavan, Narayanaguru Bhavan and Basava Bhavan remembering the great Social Saints of the South who enshrined the language cultures with their immortal thoughts.

The University located in a serene rural setting with pleasant greenery spread over the spacious campus of about 1000 acres endowed with huge deposits of granite, giving a picture of rock garden, is one of the most ideally suited institution for quite and dedicated studies and research harmonizing the individual, both internally and externally.

I created this because am part of this conference to present my views through article - 'Engaging All: Role of IT Industry'. It was a nice trip & met many professors, scholars, as listed above and also met other key dept's heads - Dr. T. Anuradha, Head, Dept. of Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics and Prof. G. L. Narayanappa, Head,  Dept. of Commerce and Management

IBM contacts:

  • Geetha Prasanna, Workforce Diversity Program Manager (PwD, LGBT, Gender)
  • Anupama Vaish, Global Program Manager - Work Life Integration
  • Nitin Bhargava, Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs - India/ South Asia.
  • Anil Joshi , Program Director, Human Ability and Accessibility Center
  • Ashish Verma, STSM, Manager - Contact Center Analytics (IRL)
  • IBM site:
Prof. GL Reddy's appointment as Head of Education dept. in Dravidian University....


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