Web Search Engines

Web Search engines: Key web search engines for content search in internet are provided here with category of search :)
  1. www.google.co.in  - #1 web browser :)
  2. http://findsounds.com  - Search the Web for Sounds
  3. http://www.kiddle.co   - Safe visual search engine for kids
  4. https://www.justwatch.com/in -  Video streaming search engine.
  5. https://images.nasa.gov/  - Search for Images, Video & Audio’s
  6. https://www.ecosia.org   - Search Engine , they plant tree’s when you search J
  7. https://ludwig.guru  - Find your Sentence
  8. https://www.qwant.com/  - Private search engine
  9. http://searchteam.com  - Collaborative search engine 
  10. http://yippy.com  - tags based search engine
  11. https://libraries.io  - Search engine for open source libraries, frameworks & tools
  12. https://www.bing.com  - Microsoft search engine
  13. https://tineye.com   - Search by image and find where that image appears online
  14. ask.com/
  15. rediff.com  // :Inda specific search engine
  16. AI Based BoT's / Search engines:
    1. ChatGPT from OpenAI
    2. Shopify
    3. Yext
    4. Style
Google is a more powerful tool than most people realize. You can get much more refined searches with Google’s built-in toolsadvanced operators, and third-party extensions. Some of the useful search options are: (at google.com)
  • Bypass Paywalls, Blocked Sites, and More with a Google Proxy: Just add the URL you want to visit to the end of the Google URL (e.g. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://example.com/ and you’re good to go.
  • Find Free Downloads of Any Type: For example, to find free Android APKs, you’d search for -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:”index of” ask to see site indexes of stored APK files. 
  • Discover Alternatives to Popular Sites, Apps, and Products: roku vs 
  • Access Google Cache Directly from the Search Bar: just type cache: before that site’s URL (e.g. cache:http://lifehacker.com). 
  • Search for People on Google Images: If you’re looking for a person and not a flower, just search for rose and add to &imgtype=facethe end of your search URL
  • Get More Precise Time-Based Search Results: Just add &tbs=qdr: to the end of the URL, along with the time you want to search (which can include h5 for 5 hours, n5 for 5 minutes, or s5 for 5 seconds (substituting any number you want). So, to search within th past 10 minutes, you’d add&tbs=qdr:n10to your URL.
  • Refine Your Search Terms with Advanced Operators: using quotes (like “white teeth”).  Similarly, if you want to exclude a word / site entirely, you can add a dash before itlike good boy –sucks 
    • Exclude Keywords in the Search: use (minus) before the excl word, 
    • Include and exclude keywords: + for include, - exclude
  • Use an asterisk within quotes to specify unknown or variable words: (e.g. “* is thicker than water”)
  • Search websites for keywords: “Google site:TIME.com”
  • Use “DEFINE:” to learn the meaning of words—slang included: “DEFINE: mortgage.”
  • Tilt your screen by searching “tilt.”
  • Play Atari Breakout by searching it on Google Images.
  • Press the mic icon on Google’s search bar, and say < search word>
  • Search for Keywords with Similar Meaning. Include Synonym Keywords in Search: using ~ 
  • Mathematical Calculations using Google: sqrt(10)
  • Unit Conversion using Google: kg in pound  or USD in INR
  • Identify Local Time for Any City in the World using Google: Syntax: time in PLACE
  • Use OR in Google Search: bash examples OR programs
  • Search for a Range Using ..: Syntax: text $100..$125
  • Search within websites: text site:  
  • Find files: "report filetype:pdf"
  • https://lifehacker.com/top-10-clever-google-search-tricks-1450186165
  • http://time.com/3581399/google-search/
  • https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/06/expertise-in-google-search/
Disclaimer: This article content is taken from News & on-line publishers This article is not a substitute for a legal advice. 

What is Social Computing?

  • Social computing consists of tools, applications and practices that allow users to create and share content, collaborate with others, and participate in social networking. 
  • Social computing platforms include (but are not limited to): 
    • Enterprise tools such as Slack, Trello, Mural, Connections, Communities, WebEx, Box, Kyndryler News and W3.  Social networks, such as Facebook and LinkedIn.  
    • Communications platforms such as WeChat, WhatsApp and Messenger. 
    • Media sharing networks, such as Snapchat, Instagram, Soundcloud and YouTube. 
    • Blogging networks, such as WordPress. 
    • Microblogging networks, such as Twitter and Tumblr. 
    • Discussion forums, such as Reddit and Quora


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