Knee Pain solutions

Knee Pain: Causes, Solutions and Treatments in South India
knee is the largest joint in the human body and is a complex structure formed of bone, muscle and cartilage. Development of pain in the knees can be caused by numerous factors such as aging, injuries, diseases, dietary deficiencies, etc.

"Most of us know that our parents are struggling with Knee pain & we always take them to Corporate hospital & follow Doctors advice which is OK but also nice to know more about it.....& See home remedies can help to reduce pain of Knee !?"

What is knee pain ? Knee pain is a common problem that can originate in any of the bony structures compromising the knee joint (femur, tibia, fibula), the kneecap (patella), or the ligaments and cartilage (meniscus) of the knee. Knee pain can affect people of all ages, and home remedies can be helpful unless it becomes severe.

Reasons for Knee Pain ?

  • Biomechanics: The knee joint is complicated in its operation and is used frequently throughout the day.
  • Excess weight: The stress on the knee joint is increased with excess weight (Obesity)
  • Overuse during repetitive motions as are found during certain exercises (jogging, skiing) or work conditions (long periods of kneeling) can cause breakdown of cartilage and lead to pain.
  • Normally, Sports, exercise and other activities can cause muscle strains, tendinitis, and more serious injuries to ligaments and cartilage.
Knee pain symptoms and signs are:
  • Difficulty walking due to instability of the knee, Limping due to discomfort
  • Difficulty walking up or down steps due to ligament damage,
  • Locking of the knee (unable to bend the knee), Inability to extend the knee
  • Redness and swelling,
Remedies for Knee Pain Relief:

-Weight Loss & removing excess water from body **
- Right diet wit fruits & vegetables (Turmeric, Ginger, chillies are good)
- Exercise (simple Knee related movements or Hamstring stretch , Knee-to-chest exercise)
- Gently massage or rub the area to relieve pain and encourage blood flow.
- Also can try JointCare products: JointLax, JointAdvance, Exomine, Himalya JointCare
** Best Practices for weight loss are:

    • Take 7 - 15 days course at any nature Camps, like Dharmastala nature camp – 082 56277177 (link:  
    • Jindal NatureCure Institute, B'lore -
    • Ensure they have Drumstick leaves or Avishaku fry (along with food or as snack) weekly twice for 2 - 3 months which will help to remove excess fat / water from Body
    • Yoga is ultimate task to keep your blood pressure in normal state and best exercise for mind & body :)
  • Govt of India's eSanjeeviniOPD available for Sr. Citizens..Doctor consultation!! Make use of it [Waiting time is ~10 min's to get Doctor after login ]  -

If the Knee pain is too much & unable to work / move, then think of Knee surgery which costs from Rs.1.5 L to 3.5 L based on hospitals & location :)
Knee surgery Statistics:
  • About 85 percent of artificial knees still work after 20 years.
  • Most people who undergo a knee replacement are between the ages of 50 and 80 (avg age is ~ 70)
  • About 60 percent of the recipients are women.
Guide To Home Remedies For Knee Pain Management
Cold Compress: These compresses are a quick and reliable way to reduce pain and swelling.
Pepper: Red and black pepper contains capsaicin which is effective as a pain reliever.
Ginger: Whether your knee pain is due to arthritis or muscle strain or an injury, ginger is an effective remedy to get rid of the pain.
 Turmeric: Turmeric is an one of the most effective spices that are used since ancient times to relieve knee pain.
Lemon: Lemon has been found beneficial as a natural home remedy for knee pain caused by arthritis
Mustard Oil: Widely practised in Ayurveda, a gentle massage of the knee area with warm mustard oil can alleviate your pain
Fenugreek Seeds: Commonly known as methi, fenugreek seeds are effective pain-relievers because of their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Eucalyptus Oil: This oil has analgesic, or pain-relieving properties that will help get rid of knee pain.
Exercise and weight management: Keeping your joints in a range of motion can reduce knee pain in some people.
For more, refer -
  1. Knee replacement surgery procedure
  4. BVK Iyengar Yoga
Picture of Knee joint 

Picture of Foot Joint...

Disclaimer: This article content is taken from News & on-line publishers This article is not a substitute for a legal advice. 
What are the various treatment methods for knee pain?
1. Conventional Remedies - These are used in case of conditions that are not too severe or chronic. It includes keeping on bed rest, using an ice pack, taking a painkiller and anti-inflammatory medicines, wearing knee braces, etc.
2. Physical Therapy - There are many stretching and strengthening exercise routines that help alleviate knee pain and treat the condition. Recovery is achieved by making the muscles around the knees stronger and increasing stability and flexibility.
3. Injections to the Knees - A number of anti-inflammatory substances and supplements, as well as lubricants, can be injected into the knee joint which helps reduce pain and makes the joint more supple.
4. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy - This involves drawing platelets from the patient's blood and injecting it into the knee joint for repairing damage caused to ligaments, tendons or cartilage.
5. Surgery - Surgical procedures for treating knee pain include partial or complete knee replacements. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a pain management specialist.
The following exercises, along with medications, can help you overcome knee pain and restore the mobility of the joint.
  1. Stair-step ups: Choose a comfortable stairway. Place your hand on the wall or banister. This is to ensure that you are balanced. Your left foot should be on the taller step. Your right foot should be on the ground. Stay in this posture for a second. Now, step back, and bring left foot to the right foot. Repeat this 6 times. Reverse the legs and continue doing for 6 times. If you want to take rest between the steps, feel free to do so.
  2. Ups and downs: You need an armless chair that is strong. Sit on the edge but comfortably. Your arms should be at your side, relaxed and loose. Sit erect and your feet should be flat. If you feel you need balance, and then cross your arms. Start standing up. This should not be instant but deliberate, controlled, and gradual movement. Stand slowly up to the full height, and hold on for 2 seconds. Again sit down. Repeat this 5 times.
  3. Straight leg raise: This can be a part of your everyday exercise regime. This is a strengthening workout that does not put too much effort on the knees. Lie down on your back. One leg should be straight on the ground and the other one should be bent. Now, slowly lift the leg that is straight, and the toes should point upward. Raise your leg up to 30 degrees, but you can start with 15 to 20 degrees in the initial stage. Repeat 15 times and perform at least 3 sets of this exercise. Keep alternating legs. This workout strengthens the knees, thigh muscles, and the ankle joints, thus offering multifold benefits.
  4. Wall hamstring stretch: Hamstring muscles too can be the cause of knee pain and discomfort. To strengthen the hamstring muscles and alleviate knee pain, this exercise helps a lot. Lie down on the floor flat. Your feet should be flexed. Choose a space that is close to a wall, or a sturdy table. Your right leg should be propped on the wall or table. If you don’t prefer any, a resistance band is a good alternative. When stretching, you can find your flexibility level and when you feel that you have reached the deepest point, start relaxing. Keep alternating contracting and relaxing every 5 seconds. After 10 to 15 sets, you can try the same with the left leg.
  5. Knee rolls: Use an exercise mat or a carpet that is cozy. Lie on your back. Bend the knees, and ensure your feet are flat. Your arms should be stretched on the sides. Look at the ceiling, and hold the knees together. In the same posture, slowly roll the knees towards the right. When you feel a gentle twitch or after 5 seconds, move to original position. Then lower the knees to the left. Hold and release. For each side, repeat 10 times.
These exercises strengthen the knees and improve the quality of life by bidding bye to the pain. Understanding that these are magic remedies that work overnight is the key to stay focused and keep going without quitting.


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